Dynamic Geometry 1475: Clifford Intersecting Circles Theorem, Step-by-step Illustration

The dynamic geometry figure below shows four green circles c1, c2, c3, and c4 passing through a point P. Circles c1 and c2 intersect at P12, and so on, P13, P23, P24, P14, and P34. Red Circle c123 passes through P12, P23, and P13, and so on. Prove that the four red circles pass through a point M.

See solution below

Static Diagram of Clifford Theorem

Problem 1475 Clifford Intersecting Circles Theorem, Step-by-step Illustration, iPad Apps

Poster of the Clifford Theorem 1475 using iPad Apps

Dynamic Geometry 1475: Clifford Intersecting Circles Theorem, Step-by-step Illustration Using GeoGebra, iPad Apps

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