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Jigsaw Puzzles: Geometry

Classical Pythagorean Theorem


Online Jogsaw Geometry

Online Jigsaw Puzzle: Geometry for Kids - Index.

Puzzle: Fields of Mathematics

Puzzle: Fields of Mathematics Mind Map.

Online Jigsaw Puzzle Golden RectanglesGeometry

Online Jigsaw Puzzle: Golden Rectangles & Droste Effect - Index.

Puzzle: Business Analysis Techniques

Puzzle: Business Analysis Techniques.

Clawson Point Puzzle, Geometry for Kids

Clawson Point Puzzle, Geometry for Kids.
22 Piece Polygons

Ptolemy's theorem Jigsaw Puzzle

Jigsaw Puzzle Ptolemy's Theorem.
22 Piece Polygons.

Geometry problems 221-230

Puzzle Geometry Problems 221 - 230.
22 Piece Polygons.

Stonehenge Puzzle

Puzzle: Stonehenge and Golden Rectangles

Geometry problems 161-170

Puzzle: Geometry Problems 161 - 170. 22 piece polygons.
Area, Triangle, Parallelogram, Trapezoid, Pentagon, Diagonal, Midpoint, Octagon.

Kosnita theorem

Puzzle based on the Kosnita's Theorem
Kosnita's Theorem.
Circumcenters, Concurrent lines.

Regular pentagons, Angle

Puzzle based on the problem 410: 22 piece polygons.
Two Regular Pentagons, Angle.

Puzzle problem 1146

Jigsaw Puzzle: Problem 1146, Triangle, Angles, Great Pyramid at Caral - Supe. 35 Quadrilateral Pieces.

Area of a triangle, Circumcircle, Angle Bisector

Puzzle based on problem 401.
Area, Triangle, Angle bisector, Circumcircle, Perpendicular bisector, Congruence.

Triangle, 120 degrees, angle bisectors

Puzzle based on the problem 368.
Triangle, 120 degrees, Angle bisectors, Perpendicular.

Euclid's Elements 23 definitions

Puzzle: Euclid's Elements Book I, 23 Definitions.
One-page visual illustration.

Inca Skull Surgery

Puzzle: Inca Skull Surgery. 22 Piece Polygons.
Inca Skull Surgeons Were "Highly Skilled," Study Finds.
Trepanation = square hole in the skull.

Butterfly Theorem: Puzzle.

Taj Mahal Geometry Shapes

Puzzle: Taj Mahal & Geometry Shapes.

Geometric Art of Pascal theorem

Jigsaw Puzzle: Pascal's Theorem 24 Pieces.

The Road Not Taken Puzzle. Robert Frost's poem, puzzle 48 pieces of USA map.

Puzzle: If - Rudyard Kipling' Poem. 6 piece classic.

Puzzle: Marion Walter's theorem. Puzzle cut: 12 Piece ZigZag
Based on Marion Walter's theorem

Mind Map of Go Geometry Puzzles

Go Geometry Puzzles Mind Map.

Intouch and Extouch Triangles. Puzzle cut: 20 Piece Classic
Based on Proposed Problem 86.

Contact Triangles. Puzzle cut: 22 Piece Polygons
Based on Proposed Problem 85.

Puzzle: Sangaku Problem

Puzzle: the Oldest  Quipu

Puzzle: Inca Music

Puzzle: Cuzco City

Puzzle: Euler Line and Nine Point Center
See also 96 Piece triangles

Pentagons & Pentagrams - Puzzle: 96 triangles.

Puzzle of the Newton's Theorem: 50 pieces of circles.

Euler's Formula - Puzzle: 55 pieces in a six star style of piece.

Nazca Lines: The Monkey - Puzzle.

Nazca Lines: The Condor bird. Puzzle: 40 pieces of birds tessellation.

Nazca Lines: The Spider. Puzzle: 44 pieces in a tri-dove style of piece.

Puzzle of the Nagel Point: 22 pieces of polygons.

Equal Incircles Theorem: 20 Piece Classic.

Puzzle of the Ceva's Theorem: 48 classic piece.

Morley's Theorem Puzzle: 22 pieces of polygons.

Sierpinski Triangle and Machu Picchu. Puzzle.

The Lord of Sipan, Spiderman Puzzle: 50 pieces of circles.

The Lord of Sipan Puzzle: 22 pieces of polygons.

The Bevan Point: Puzzle

Cuzco: The Stone of twelve angles An example of Inca skill with polygonal masonry. Puzzle: 22 pieces of polygons.

Machu Picchu. Lost City of the Incas. Puzzle: Puzzle 41 pieces of polyominoes.

Puzzle problem 1182

Jigsaw Puzzle: Problem 1182: Two Squares.
35 Pieces.

Puzzle Langley Problem Chavin Huantarproblem 1146

Jigsaw Puzzle: Langley's Problem. Isosceles Triangle, Angles, The Lanzon at Chavin de Huantar. 40 Quadrilateral Pieces.


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Last updated: Apr 13, 2016