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Caral: the Oldest City in the Americas. News 2006 - 2009

In the Supe Valley,
Caral's ruins tell the tale,
Of a lost culture.

The Sacred City of Caral-Supe is located
in the Barranca province in northern Lima

Peru's Caral-Supe ancient city added to Unesco’s World Heritage List

June 28, 2009. Source: Andina,

Peru's Sacred City of Caral-Supe, the oldest centre of civilization in the Americas, was inscribed on Unesco’s World Heritage List by the World Heritage Committee, chaired by María Jesús San Segundo, the Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Spain to Unesco. The 5000-year-old 626-hectare archaeological site of The Sacred City of Caral-Supe is situated on a dry desert terrace overlooking the green valley of the Supe river...

The mother of all civilizations

16 Dec 2007. Source: The Times of India, Shobhan Saxena,TNN

The ruins were so magnificent and sprawling that some people believed that the aliens from a faraway galaxy had built the huge pyramids that stood in the desert across the Andes.

Some historians believed that the complex society, which existed at that time, was born out of fear and war. They looked for the telltale signs of violence that they believed led to the creation of this civilization. But, they could not find even a hint of any warfare. It was baffling. Even years after Ruth Shady Solis found the ancient city of pyramids at Caral in Peru, it continues to surprise historians around the world. It took Ruth Shady many years and many rounds of carbon dating to prove that the earliest known civilization in South Americas - at 2,627 BC - was much older than the Harappa Valley towns and the pyramids of Egypt...


Explore Peru's 5000-year-old city, Caral

Monday, October 16, 2006: Associated Press by Leslie Josephs

CARAL, Peru - A sudden wind gust blows eerily down from rocky Andean foothills, kicking up a cinnamon-colored cloud over the moonscape of ruins that is the oldest city in the Americas. The sky is a crisp blue. All around in the Supe River Valley are lush fields of onion and corn. We are in Caral, three hours and nearly 5,000 years from contemporary Lima, Peru's bustling capital, and we've spent the last half-hour or so on a bumpy drive from the coast, along a dirt road blocked periodically by bleating herds of goats and sheep. Caral made headlines in 2001 when researchers carbon-dated material from the city back to 2627 B.C. It is a must-see for archaelogy enthusiasts...


Tourism increasing to ancient city in Peru

Friday, September 01, 2006. Source: The Vancouver Sun, Canadian Press

Tourism is increasing to the ancient Sacred City of Caral, Peru, which was discovered in 1994 and is located two hours from Lima.

Archeologists have been working to preserve and restore the site, and that work will continue.

The city is more than 5,000 years old and is considered to be the oldest city in the Americas. Located in the Supe Valley, it is easily accessible by the Pan-American Highway. Machu Picchu, located in Cuzco, is probably the country's best-known ancient site, but Caral predates the Incan ruins by several thousand years...


Peru opens Caral ruins to tourists

Hundreds of years before the Incas built Machu Picchu, the Caral civilization was at work on the Sacred City of Caral. Now Peru's Proyecto Especial Arqueologico Caral-Supe (Caral-Supe Special Archeological Project) is busily restoring this archaeological treasure, and it is inviting tourists who visit Lima to come and have a look. Located in the Supe Valley, the historic site is about two hours north of Lima and easily accessible by the Pan-American Highway...


Above: Archeologists in Peru have found a "quipu" on the site of the oldest city in the Americas, indicating the device, a sophisticated arrangement of knots and strings used to convey detailed information, was in use thousands of years earlier than previously believed.


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Last updated: July 25, 2009