Mining Equipment P&H 2650CX Hybrid Shovel - Video and News

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P&H 2650CX Hybrid Shovel by P&H Mining Equipment

P&H 2650CX Hybrid Shovel
The P&H 2650CX is a hybrid shovel designed to deliver up to a 15% reduction in cost per ton when compared to large diesel hydraulic excavators through a combination of reduced fuel consumption, improved availability and decreased maintenance and repair costs. Engineered to blend the high productivity of electric mining shovels with the mobility and flexibility of diesel hydraulic excavators, the machine features an articulating hydraulic clamshell attachment designed to deliver a 65-ton payload. Source:

P&H Mining Equipment designs, builds and supports a line of drilling and material handling machinery marketed under the "P&H" trademark and applied to minerals and energy surface mining operations worldwide. The firm is an operating subsidiary of Joy Global Inc.

Power shovel
A Power shovel (also stripping shovel or Front Shovel or Electric Mining Shovel) is a bucket equipped machine, usually electrically powered, used for digging and loading earth or fragmented rock, and mineral extraction.

Shovels normally consist of a revolving deck with a power plant, driving and controlling mechanisms, usually a counterweight, and a front attachment, such as a boom or crane which supports a handle with a digger at the end. The machinery is mounted on a base platform with tracks or wheels. The bucket is also known as the dipper. Modern bucket capacities range from 8 m3 to nearly 80 m3.

Power shovels are used principally for excavation and removal of overburden in open-cut mining operations, though it may include loading of minerals, such as coal.


  P&H Mining Equipment PH 2650CX Hybrid Shovel


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Nov 13, 2012