World Mining in Action

Grasberg Mine: Cable Car/Tram, Papua, Indonesia - Video

Video Description
To Grasberg and beyond.
From Tembagapura to the processing plant, then a ride up the cable car/tram followed by scenes of the mine in operation. Source: Papuadan.

Grasberg Mine, Papua, Indonesia
The Grasberg Mine is the largest gold mine and the third largest copper mine in the world. It is located in the province of Papua in Indonesia near Puncak Jaya, the highest mountain in Papua.

Tembagapura is a town built to support the Grasberg Mine in the Indonesian province of Papua. Construction of the mine and its infrastructure including the town, commenced in the late-1960s.

Tram/Cable Car
A small train hanged at safe cable steel go up and down with a slope angle of 45 degrees.


  Grasberg Mine, Cable Car and Open Pit

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