Inca Empire Tawantinsuyu: Coca Leaves Geometry

Guamán Poma's Drawing of a Coquero Chewing Coca: A Glimpse into Everyday Life of the Incas and Other Indigenous Peoples of Peru in the Early 17th Century

Inca Empire Tawantinsuyu Guamán Poma's Drawing of a Coquero Chewing Coca

The concept of successive golden rectangles forming a golden spiral can be creatively used to frame or enhance elements like the Guaman Poma's drawing.

The Inca Empire (or Tawantinsuyu in Quechua) was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America. The administrative, political and military center of the Incas was located in Cuzco. The Incas identified their king as "child of the sun."

Guamán Poma de Ayala was an indigenous Peruvian chronicler who wrote and illustrated the Nueva corónica y buen gobierno (New Chronicle and Good Government) in the early 17th century. His work is a valuable source of information on the history, culture, and society of the Incas and other indigenous peoples of Peru.

This drawing by Guamán Poma depicts a coquero, or coca grower, chewing coca. The coquero is sitting on the ground, and his coca leaves are wrapped in a small bundle. He is also holding a llipta, or lime pouch, which contains lime powder to help him chew the coca leaves.

Coca leaves have been chewed by indigenous peoples of South America for centuries. They are used for a variety of purposes, including to suppress hunger and fatigue, to improve altitude tolerance, and to promote social interaction. Guamán Poma's drawing provides a glimpse into the everyday life of an indigenous Peruvian person in the early 17th century. It also shows the importance of coca in Andean culture.

Coca Leaves Geometry
The geometry of coca leaves, originating from the Erythroxylum coca plant, is a fascinating subject from a botanical standpoint. These leaves exhibit a straightforward, elongated, and elliptical form, albeit with certain variations influenced by the specific species and growing environment. For centuries, the leaf's distinctive shape has been a cornerstone of Andean art and symbolism, frequently stylized and incorporated into textiles, jewelry, pottery, and various forms of artistic expression.

Please keep in mind that the use of coca leaves are subject to strict legal regulations in many countries, and their use and trade can have serious legal and health consequences.
 Last updated: Nov 4, 2023.


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