The Incas: Machu Picchu, Cuzco, Inca Trail


Chan Chan Archaeological Zone. Index


Chan Chan Index



Chan Chan Sea Otter

Chan Chan: Sea Otters on the Wall 2.
Trujillo, Peru.


Chan Chan Sea Otters

Chan Chan: Sea Otters on the Wall, Kaleidoscope.
Trujillo, Peru.


Chan Chan Wall

Chan Chan: Wall.
Trujillo, Peru.


Chan Chan: FIshhes on the Wall

Chan Chan: Fishes on the Wall.
Trujillo, Peru.


Chan Chan Patio

Chan Chan: Seat in the main courtyard.
Trujillo, Peru.


Chan Chan Sea Otter

Chan Chan: Sea Otters on the Wall 1.
Trujillo, Peru.


World Heritage UNESCO

UNESCO World Heritage List, Interactive Mind Map. As of 2008, 878 sites are listed. Peru is home of 10 sites.


UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Peru

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Peru
Chan Chan Archaeological Zone.