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Haul Truck: Alderox ASA-12 Mining release - Video and News

Haul Truck: Alderox ASA-12 Mining release

Video Description
Alderox Mining Haul Truck
Alderox ASA-12 Mining release agent product being applied to haul truck with automated spray system at a gold mine in the western United States. Alderox ASA-12 prevents carryback in haul truck trays, rail wagons, excavator buckets and on other equipment caused by high moisture content, clay, freezing, etc.  Source: Alderox Inc.

Alderox Inc.
Founded in 1997, Alderox is a research based industrial supply company, providing products and services globally into the mining, asphalt and concrete industries.

Alderox® ASA-12® Mining has been used in both the mining and processing aspect in the following applications:

  • Haul Truck Beds/Undercarriages

  • Loading Pockets

  • Skips

  • Excavator/Loader Buckets

  • Conveyors

  • Augers

  • Crushing Stations

  • Chutes

  • Pan Feeders

Off-road dump truck: Haul truck
Off-road dump trucks more closely resemble heavy construction equipment or engineering vehicles than they do highway dump trucks. They are used strictly off-road for mining and heavy dirt hauling jobs. The term ‘Dump’ Truck is not generally used by the mining industry, or by the manufacturers that build these machines. The more appropriate US term for this strictly off road vehicle is, ‘Haul’ truck and the equivalent European term is 'Dumper'.

  Haul Truck: Alderox ASA-12 Mining release

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