College Geometry Online, eLearning


Fractal Geometry - Table of Content

Fractals - Index


fractal Circle 2

Geometric Art: Circle 2. iPad Apps.
Fractal Image with Circle.

fractBG Circle

Geometric Art: Circle. iPad Apps: fractBG.
Fractal Image with Circle.

Fractal Image with Squares. iPad Apps: fractBG

iPad Apps: fractBG.
Fractal Image with Squares.

Mandelbrot Conference TED 2010

Benoit Mandelbrot: the Fractal Geometry of Roughness - Video and News
At TED2010, mathematics legend Benoit Mandelbrot (1924-2010) develops a theme he first discussed at TED in 1984 -- the extreme complexity of roughness, and the way that fractal math can find order within patterns that seem unknowably complicated.

Mind Map of Fractal Geometry
Based on a comprehensive educational resource on the mathematical framework and formalism from the Yale University.

fractBG Hexagon

Geometric Art: Hexagon, Fractals. iPad Apps: fractBG.

fractBG Rhombus

Geometric Art: Rhombus. iPad Apps: fractBG.
Fractal Image with Rhombus.

Fractal Image with pentagons. iPad Apps: fractBG

iPad Apps: fractBG.
Fractal Image with Pentagons.

Sierpinski Triangle and Machu Picchu. Fractal illustration with animation.

fractBG Triangle

iPad Apps: fractBG, Triangle.
Fractal Image with Triangles.

fractBG Square 2

Geometric Art: Square 2. iPad Apps: fractBG.

Sierpinski Triangle and Machu Picchu. Puzzle.

HomeGeometry | Fractal | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez