Geometry in the Real World, La Punta, Malecon Pardo, Callao

Geometry in the Real World, La Punta, Malecon Pardo, Callao, Peru - Slideshow

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Geometry is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space.

La Punta
La Punta is a district of the Constitutional Province of Callao in Peru, and one of the six districts that make up the port city of Callao. It is located in a peninsula in the western part of the province and is almost entirely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, except on its northeastern side, where it is bordered by downtown Callao.

La Punta is mostly an upper middle class district, where Callao's most prestigious families have historically lived. Many of the district's old houses are still conserved.
Source: Wikipedia, La Punta.

Geometry in La Punta, Malecon Pardo, Callao



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Last updated Mar 26, 2015 by Antonio Gutierrez